Glad you have stumbled across our site that means that you must be interested in purchasing a hog roasting machine well you have certainly came to the right place! The Titan our speciality hog roasting machine used by novice caterer and professionals alike used to cater for thousands at large corporate events to small gatherings and well known I the catering world. We know that investing in a machine can be a little weary and you may be unsure of what to choose we recommend you take a few minutes to flick through our website take a look at the machine in close detail we have some fantastic pictures of the machine and an in-depth explanation on how the machine works read our questions and answers we are sure to answer your queries and worries and if not email us or give us a ring on our free phone telephone number and one of our professional advisers will take your call and tell you all you need to know and more about the amazing Titan machine. The facts are really simple the Titan is manufactured in the UK using only materials manufactured in the UK and has gained the CE stamp of approval which every machine must have so don’t be fooled by other companies offering cheaper machines check that they come with the CE stamp of approval and if they don’t stay well clear, the Titan runs of gas so the machine is versatile meaning you are not restricted to just catering indoor you can cater out door too and any where you wish all you need to do is attach the gas bottle onto the machine and you have power. The machine is easy to use and that is what shocks most they think because of the machine size and the look of the machine that it is super complicated to use but it isn’t it is really easy and the best thing of all it cooks delicious meat and you will be belle of the ball and your family and friends will think you are awesome as you stand and cook your food now that must be the selling point, don’t you agree?
CE stamp of approval
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